Crack the Code

55. Become Your Own Best Health Advocate at Mynd Myself

Episode Summary

Are you tired of feeling lost in the maze of health information, not knowing where to turn or who to trust? Join us in this episode of the "Crack the Code Podcast" as we unveil an exciting solution to these challenges. Discover the story behind Mynd Myself, a revolutionary platform created by Esther Sarlo, dedicated to empowering women to become their own best health advocates. Stay tuned to explore the world of holistic and Integrative Health, where science meets alternative approaches, all aimed at helping you navigate your well-being journey with confidence.

Episode Notes

What You Can Learn from this Episode:

About Esther Sarlo :

Esther and her small but mighty team have created Mynd Myself as a response to a profound lack of centralized access to credible health information from Complementary, Holistic, and Integrative (CHI) perspectives. Yes, free information is everywhere online BUT it can be very difficult to wade through and determine what and/or who can be trusted vs what is misleading or even false.

A trusted source for information and connection to vetted, experienced, and outstanding Practitioners, Mynd Myself’s ‘prime directive’ is to help you become your own best health advocate. We want you to feel safe, seen, heard, and supported as you navigate your health journey. 

As the cornerstone of this game-changing project, Esther is the catalyst for creating this beautiful space where healing, connections, and collaborations can emerge. As a voice for the body’s role in healing and wholeness in the universe, Esther is an entrepreneur, facilitator, speaker, and writer who is passionately committed to making it easier for you to live...and speak...your most authentic life.

Join for not one, but TWO fantastic Zoom events this September, designed to empower and uplift on the health journey:

Sept 22 (Friday) – Digestive Health: It All Starts Here!

"The road to health is paved with good intestines!" - Sherry Rogers

Time: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Pacific Time

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Sept 30 (Saturday) – Mini Vision Board Experience: Power Word

Time: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Pacific Time

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