Crack the Code

53. What is Self-Sabotage and How to Stop It

Episode Summary

Are you familiar with that inexplicable force that seems to sabotage your progress just as you're about to achieve a breakthrough? Ever wonder why success sometimes feels like a mirage slipping through your fingers? Join me in this episode of 'Crack the Code' as we unravel the mystery of self-sabotage – its origins, its intricacies, and most importantly, the empowering strategies to overcome it and unleash your true potential.

Episode Notes

In this episode, we explore the intricate realm of self-sabotage, delving into its origins, unveiling its complexities, and equipping you with essential strategies to rise above its limitations and reach your highest potential. The inspiration for this enlightening conversation comes from the profound insights of "The Big Leap" by Gay Hendricks, a masterpiece that dissects the concept of an upper limit and its link to self-sabotage.So, don't miss this opportunity to unravel the mysteries of self-sabotage and tap into your limitless potential!

What You Can Learn from this Episode:

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