Crack the Code

52. Tips to Protect Your Brain from Alzeimers and Dementia

Episode Summary

Are you ready to learn some practical tips to have a resilient brain and protect yourself against Alzheimer's and dementia? Join us in this episode of Crack the Code Podcast as we delve into the world of brain health with the expertise of Angie Stone, a Brain Longevity Specialist.

Episode Notes

What You Can Learn from this Episode:

About Angie Stone :

Angie's life has been touched both professionally and personally by Alzheimer's Disease. Watching her clients, grandmother and most recently her father suffer from this disease made her feel hopeless and angry. She has turned these emotions around and is sharing her hope and light around this topic with the world.

Angie Stone offers a valuable free resource titled "5 Secrets About Alzheimer's Disease That Can Save Your Life." To access this informative guide, listeners can visit her website and simply provide their email address. It's an easy way to gain essential insights into Alzheimer's and take steps toward a healthier life.

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