Crack the Code

48. Stop Urine Leaks So You Can Get Back to the Activities You Love!

Episode Summary

Are you a woman struggling with urinary leakage and searching for practical solutions to regain control of your body? In this episode of the Crack the Code Podcast, join us as we uncover valuable insights and holistic approaches with Julie Demers. Discover how her expertise as a Pelvic Floor Therapist can empower you to overcome urinary leakage, regain control, and live a life free from limitations. Don't miss out on this valuable resource that can transform your well-being!

Episode Notes

What You Can Learn from this Episode:

About Julie Demers:

Julie is an experienced Holistic Pelvic Floor Therapist dedicated to helping women overcome common but often unspoken pelvic floor challenges, such as urinary leakage and organ prolapse. These problems can affect daily life and intimacy. She developed "Pelvic Floor Simplified," a holistic program that empowers women to regain control of their bodies using simple, everyday practices. 

Julie offers free training on the simple 4-step formula to stop urine leaks and prolapse, which provides a modern approach to pelvic floor health that goes beyond traditional kegel exercises. All of Julie's free resources can be found in one convenient space on her website at



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