Crack the Code

40. Anne Klausner - Move Like You Did When You Were a Kid

Episode Summary

Wouldn't it be great if you could move like you did when you were a kid? Anne Klausner joins us in this episode of the Crack the Code Podcast. She sheds light on why some (or even most) of us feel pain all the time and even gets into the science of it. She also shares some advice on getting your movement back to start feeling much better. Stay tuned!

Episode Notes

What you can learn from this episode:


Watch Anne’s FREE 3-video series to understand and be empowered out of pain!


About Anne Klausner:

Anne Klausner is passionate about changing the way we think about chronic pain and health. No one should be told that pain is “normal” or to “get used to it”.

In 2001 Anne started her career in health and wellness as an aquatic therapist at the Sheba Rehabilitation Hospital in Israel. After moving with her family to Toronto in 2006, she added certifications as a personal trainer and exercise therapist, delving into the study of the neurology of movement and pain. 

In 2016, Anne Klausner founded Exercise with Care in order to spread her vision of health and well-being. She specializes in working with those who suffer from aches and pains, helping them to rediscover what does feel good and how to change movement habits and return to an active lifestyle. Anne’s philosophy is that we don’t stop moving because we are getting older, we feel older because we stop moving. 

Move like you did when you were a kid.


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