Crack the Code

39. Michelle Slaney-Trovato - Living into Your Legacy

Episode Summary

Have you ever thought about your legacy as a mother? Michelle Slaney-Trovato joins us in this episode of the Crack the Code Podcast. She’s establishing her legacy in many ways, but this time, for Mother’s Day, we put a little more focus on how she’s there for her sons. Stay tuned!

Episode Notes

What you can learn from this episode:


About Michelle Slaney-Trovato:

Michelle is a 27-year award-winning high school special education teacher turned entrepreneur. She is a wife, adoptive, and special needs mom. For most of her adult life, Michelle has worked with teens who do not want to do anything she wanted them to, so she got really good at follow-up in a way that collects and connects people. She’s helped many businesses turn their follow-up from a fear-based action into a very successful business strategy. Most recently Michelle has launched a new business, turning the idea of Legacy on its head, focusing on the notion of living into legacy, rather than just leaving it behind. She launched the Living Your Legacy Podcast and is currently writing a book with her youngest son about his journey to becoming a real estate investor at the age of 11. Michelle loves to support other special needs parents in living into their own legacies for their children.


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