Crack the Code

29. Treena Chabot - Finding Your Happiness is an Inside Job

Episode Summary

Treena Chabot joins us in this episode of the Crack the Code podcast. She shares how she turned the darkest moment in her life into her guiding light. We'll also talk about making choices for yourself, self-care, and knowing what you're supposed to do. Stay tuned!

Episode Notes

What you can learn from this episode:


About Treena:

Treena Chabot did what she thought she was supposed to do in life, but it didn’t feel the way it was supposed to feel. A career, kids, house, and spouse were not enough to make her happy. In her darkest hours, she decided not to end her life, even though she felt stuck and empty.

Almost by accident, Treena realized it was up to her to change her future and give herself what was missing. She had to turn inward and reconnect to the true self that had been buried over the years. Treena grew in important ways and is now a supportive and insightful teacher for others in their life journey.


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