Crack the Code

26. Kathy Davis - How To Live and Work In An RV

Episode Summary

Kathy Davis, a plant-based lifestyle and mindset coach, joins us in this episode of the Crack the Code podcast. We'll talk about RV living and travel, why she and her husband decided to downsize, and some practical advice for others who want to do the same. Stay tuned!

Episode Notes

What you can learn from this episode:


About Kathy:

Kathy Davis is a plant-based lifestyle and mindset coach, the CEO of VegInspired, and the author of three cookbooks: The 30-Minute Whole-Food Plant-Based Cookbook, The Super Easy Plant-Based Cookbook, and The Budget-Friendly Plant-Based Diet Cookbook. Kathy empowers high-achieving professionals to eat more plants and leverage the power of food to meet their personal and professional goals. 

Kathy has been eating and creating vegan meals for more than eight years. Over the past two and half years, she shifted her daily habits to follow a whole-food, plant-based lifestyle. She experienced amazing results: 40-pound weight loss, renewed energy, a newfound sense of joy, and a healthier mind and body! Kathy’s brand, Veginspired, is dedicated to providing high-achieving professionals and entrepreneurs with the resources to make a similar transformation. She is eager to guide others on their journey so that they can make a more significant impact in the world. 

Fun fact: Kathy and her husband, John, are living their plant-based dream while simultaneously traveling the United States in an RV with their cat. They’ve been to 29 states and 20 national parks so far and have a goal to visit all the US national parks!


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