Crack the Code

21. Leslie Ender - Amble & Rove: Small Group Travel to Europe

Episode Summary

Leslie Ender of Amble & Rove joins us in this episode of the Crack the Code podcast. We'll talk about what inspired her to start a business, offering small group tours and life coaching, and the incredible benefits that traveling can provide.

Episode Notes

What you can learn from this episode:


About Leslie:

Leslie Ender has a BS degree in Elementary Education & Special Education from Western Michigan University and a specialist degree in Special Education from San Jose State in California. Leslie taught school for 12 years for Palo Alto Public Schools on the Stanford Campus in Palo Alto, California.

During that time, she raised two sons who are now amazing adults. Leslie took time away from her career to be home with her boys. During those years, she was very involved in her community and her son’s education. She founded Full Potential Educational Consulting & Child Advocacy Firm in the San Francisco Bay Area while her sons were in high school and enjoyed helping families navigate the school system, administer educational tests and work with teachers to provide best strategies to help children succeed. In 2012 she had the opportunity to relocate to Innsbruck, Austria with her family. It was a life-changing experience to be immersed in a new culture. She enjoyed living in Innsbruck, Austria. She loves to travel and experience the local culture. In Europe, Leslie realized that most of her favorite European experiences were in places where no Americans are in sight!

She took all her knowledge from living in Europe, her experience and skill as a teacher, and her love for people and travel to create a new business in 2017 that focused on leading small groups of women to share her Europe with them!

In 2022 she has just completed her training as a Professional Life and Business Coach through Ipec International.

Leslie is now launching a new business that includes her personal coaching, curated small group travel and inspirational retreats for women called Amble & Rove!


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