Crack the Code

20. Noemi Beres - How and Why to Be a Podcast Guest

Episode Summary

Noémi Beres joins us in this episode of the Crack the Code podcast. She’s the Co-Owner of the Podcast Connections podcast booking agency. We’ll talk about the value of being a podcast guest and of doing podcast interviews. She’ll also give some tips on how to ace your podcast pitch and find your next podcast guest. Stay tuned!

Episode Notes

What you can learn from this episode:


About Noémi:

Noémi Beres is the Co-Owner of the Podcast Connections podcast booking agency. She helps entrepreneurs and business owners share their knowledge and connect them to quality podcast shows. In addition, Noemi is dedicated to helping experts grow their businesses with interviews. She started to work in the online marketing field back in 2007. Noemi has a Master’s Degree in Danish Literature and Language; she is a linguist, content creator, and “master organizer.” In her free time, she loves making hand-sewn collages on canvas.


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