Crack the Code

16. Terry Sayre - Never Stop Learning and Growing

Episode Summary

Terry Sayre returns as my special guest on this Crack the Code podcast episode. She is a Life and Leadership Coach, Speaker, Facilitator, Business Owner, and Community Advocate for Mental Health Issues and Homelessness. We'll discuss her advocacy work for mental health and homelessness as well as why it's never too late to learn, grow, and realize our goals in life. Stay tuned!

Episode Notes

What you can learn from this episode:


About Terry:

Terry is a Life and Leadership Coach. She's a Speaker, Facilitator, and Business Owner. She worked 39 years as a Professional Educator. She's currently on the Tulare City Council as a Vice Mayor. She's a mother of five, grandmother of 21, and great-grandmother of five. And she's a Community Advocate for Mental Health Issues and Homelessness.


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