Crack the Code

15. Dr. Erin Foley - Vibrant Healthy Woman

Episode Summary

Dr. Erin Foley returns as my special guest on this episode of the Crack the Code podcast. She is a functional medicine practitioner, certified health coach, chiropractor, and creator of Vibrant Healthy Women programs. We'll talk about becoming a health coach, functional medicine, and the crucial roles our hormones and gut play in maintaining good health. Stay tuned!

Episode Notes

What you can learn from this episode:


About Dr. Erin:

Dr. Erin Foley is a Functional Medicine Practitioner, Certified Health Coach, Chiropractor, and creator of Vibrant Healthy Woman Programs. She is also a speaker and author. She helps women from their 30’s to 70’s balance their hormones naturally, helping women with energy, sleep, weight, metabolism, mood, and mental clarity, gut and digestion, hormones, hot flashes, PMS, and helping women of all ages create vibrant health. 

She works with women virtually and in person with hormone testing, nutrition, supplements, lifestyle, and health coaching programs. She has an online Wellness Club and hosts a series of free Masterclasses, which you can find on her website. She also works with natural product solutions for gut health, mental wellness, and hormone balancing. She is an author in the “Jumpstart Your_____ Volume IV” book series, and her chapter is “Jumpstart Your Hormones”.


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