Crack the Code

14. Toni Mattson - The Power of Horse Therapy

Episode Summary

Toni Mattson returns as my special guest on this episode of the Crack the Code podcast. She is a speaker, writer, and encourager. Toni shares her inspiring story of working with horses to help veterans and their families. We also discuss why you should not be afraid to try something new at any stage in your life. Stay tuned!

Episode Notes

What you can learn from this episode:


About Toni:

Toni Mattson is a speaker, writer, and encourager. She is led by her faith and inspired by events in her life. Toni encourages others by her stories and messages of hope and the transformation that happens when a human, a horse, and God bond. For nearly two decades, she traveled the US and Canada, speaking for God’s Great Outdoors International Ministry. She’s been a guest on radio and TV programs, spoken at colleges and seminaries, at international conferences, business development workshops, other events, and testified four times before the WI State Senate on behalf of veterans. 


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